On May 16, 1986 in the sleepy town of Cokeville, Wyoming, a madman took an entire elementary school hostage. This movie tells the true story of that fateful day and the investigators account as he looks into evidences of a purported “miracle”. Gather the proof, and decide for yourself. When tragedy strikes, do you see miracles? We went and saw this movie. I vaguely remember something about this experience, but it was so long ago and right about the time I was getting off my mission and starting BYU, I don't really recall it with clarity. But the message and the miracle transcend time. So it was that the evening we saw this movie that we were at the Pleasant Grove Water Gardens.
At the end of the show, while the credits were playing and descriptions appeared for each of the survivors, the lights came on, and a man standing at the front of the theater said "Thank you for coming. I am TC Christensen the director of this movie you just watched. The depictions characterized here were all shown as they were described to me by the witnesses who were there. We are privileged to have two of the survivors from that eventful day here in the theater tonight." He then introduced Jenny Johnson and Katy Walker Payne, two women that were children in the school the day of the kidnapping. Each took a moment to describe in detail her experience, and then the floor was opened to questions from the audience. Many asked for further explanations regarding the events of this fate-filled day and the miracles that took place there.