tributes to gayward neal Mann
Perhaps there is no other person to whom I am so indebted as Gayward Neal Mann. Because of him I have my sweetheart and wonderful family, yet he was called home long ago. My memories of him come from anecdotes told by Elaine and Linda. Perhaps my favorites follow: Linda went with her dad to local high school football games, perhaps that's why she still loves the game so today. The weekend before his death he took a half day off from work on Friday and went to Linda’s grade school and talked to the Principal about Linda not being picked for the choir which she wanted to join. The following week the principal made arrangements, and she joined the choir. Friday night he took the family to the fair and Linda invited a friend to go. Gay went on many rides with Linda and bought each of the girls a leather purse. He was a family man and enjoyed square dancing with Elaine to country music for years.
Elaine convinced Gay to go to a Potluck Square dance activity at the church on a summer evening, although he said Square Dancing didn’t interest him and went only to satisfy Elaine. She square danced at University of Denver and liked it very much. She promised him they would go home after the potluck but after the caller got us all in a large circle and taught some of the basic steps and then put us in squares, Gay had the time of his life and could hardly wait until September to take lessons. The rest is history.