Back when earning I was earning my degree, I had an opportunity to complete an internship in Manhattan. It was a great experience Linda was pregnant with Steven at the time so a lot of people sacrificed to make this experience possible. I actually started two weeks early so I would be back for the delivery.
Back in 1988, I was invited by the US Coast Guard to resolve a public relations challenge and defend the benefits of the Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue system. I went to New York and lived for six weeks on Governors Island in Manhattan. I worked with the AMVER Chief, Mario Toscano, to define the economic benefits of the system then justify and monetize its efficacy in order to help ensure the longevity of the system.
I have been back to Manhattan many times. Broadway is memorable. Every opportunity has been unique and wonderful. Sometimes it was with Camilla and Steven, occasionally with Linda, and most recently we took Amy, Melanie, and Emily there for Christmas. And AMVER is still going strong. |