tributes to ryan stewart
With camera in hand, Ryan takes beautiful pictures and frequently shares them on Facebook or other media to the surprise and delight of many of his followers. But this skill capturing beauty in simple things that others miss is not surprising to me. I have seen and benefitted from this quality in Ryan from our earliest days together as friends. And to me that makes this skill much more important than art. The quality is character. Art flows from this attribute, but the source is kindness. Vision and skill are important attributes as well—no doubt—but they are eclipsed by the quality of character that comes from the heart. And lucky for me, that important quality in Ryan is kindness.
I know now that I can’t adequately share the value and meaning of his friendship, especially at that point in those awkward growing up years. But I remember the quality well. And it is evident now especially when he is still working his magic in my life today, even long distance. Thank you my friend!
I know now that I can’t adequately share the value and meaning of his friendship, especially at that point in those awkward growing up years. But I remember the quality well. And it is evident now especially when he is still working his magic in my life today, even long distance. Thank you my friend!
The best thing about Ryan is definitely his bride Shelly Stewart. Back in high school it was Shelly Schmidt, whom I also knew well. She was super friendly and lifted our school as a cheerleader. But I never imagined them together building their lives and home in Las Vegas. They are both full of surprises!