raising success
A client of Bart's came to him with a problem. He said "I have too many clients and can't keep up with business…and I need some family time, what can I do?"
Bart thoughtfully suggested that he raise his prices, to which the man responded "I can't do that, because I will lose some clients if I raise my prices."
Those that quit were the complainers, slow payers and ones that required the most attention.
With fewer accounts paying (higher) fees, the client actually made more profit and had the family time he so desperately wanted.
These problem clientele went to Bart’s competition…which diminished their overall capabilities and so they ended up with unhappy clients…that Bart was able to help after they left (the competitor).
Bart called this a “win-win-win” strategy.
Bart thoughtfully suggested that he raise his prices, to which the man responded "I can't do that, because I will lose some clients if I raise my prices."
Those that quit were the complainers, slow payers and ones that required the most attention.
With fewer accounts paying (higher) fees, the client actually made more profit and had the family time he so desperately wanted.
These problem clientele went to Bart’s competition…which diminished their overall capabilities and so they ended up with unhappy clients…that Bart was able to help after they left (the competitor).
Bart called this a “win-win-win” strategy.