![]() Clay Gorton, a real-life grandpa, began corresponding with his grandchildren via e-mail when the Internet was in its infancy. A prominent scientist, devoted family man and servant in the Lord’s vineyard (including six LDS missions, service as the mission president in Argentina and president of the Missionary Training Center in Santiago, Chile), Gramps was able to offer unique answers to a myriad of real-life questions. As everyday interest in his sage advice grew, the online Ask Gramps column was born. As readership mushroomed, Gramps decided to develop a dedicated site to better field and share this rich repository of questions and answers. Unfortunately, in 2008, Clay succumbed to cancer and passed away peacefully. In wanting to keep Clay’s vision alive, a vibrant team was developed to adopt Gramps’ site and answer the questions continuing to flood in from site visitors. The members of the current team have a wide range of knowledge and experience through which they hope to effectively carry on Gramps’ tradition. Welcome to the Ask Gramps family.