About Coney
He has been a real inspiration to me as long as I have known him. If you were to look at Coney when he was a nine-year-old boy on that plantation, a lot of people would have walked right by. There's no hope. There's no opportunity. There's nothing there. So I think we need to see a lot more young people around the world in terms of the opportunity they offer. And I think that's one thing to learn from Coney. While he did a lot of it on his own, he had the right people at the right time that came to really make a difference.And I think the lesson out of that for all of us is to look around and a say "When are we the right moment? When are we the right time. And when can we see other people as the opportunity that they are and the gift that they are, not as something that is in the way or somebody that doesn't matter. The thing that keeps me going everyday is knowing that somewhere around the world somebody's life is being made better by what our students are doing literally around the clock. From Coney And that's why I have to live my life the way I live it right now because doing something else would be showing a lack of gratitude for everybody I met in my life that gave me food, shelter, educational opportunities, and all these things. I can't go back to every single one of them and say thank you. But what I can do is to use my talent, my education, my passion to give them the same opportunity that I received to one more person.