<memories of president HINCKLEY and his thoughts on charity
Bart Howell shared a brief quote with me recently.
“Take the time to make the effort to care for others. Develop and exercise the one quality that would enable us to change the lives of others--what the scriptures call charity.” These words were spoken by a great example, President Gordon B Hinckley. I imagine we all have very special memories of this fine man and his legacy. I researched that quote a little and found the original instance was a bit longer than what I have quoted here, but I would like to emphasize just 14 words. President Hinckley wrote: “One of the greatest challenges we face in our hurried, self-centered lives is to follow this counsel of the Master, to take the time and make the effort to care for others, to develop and exercise the one quality that would enable us to change the lives of others—what the scriptures call charity. . . . Best defined, charity is that pure love exemplified by Jesus Christ. It embraces kindness, a reaching out to lift and help, the sharing of one’s bread, if need be.” Charity is that quality! What we do when we lift others, share ideas or leads, and encourage one another in the midst of our efforts shows charity. That makes us all winners. I remember the day President Hinckley passed. I will never forget it. All the seminary students wore their Sunday best clothes to school to honor him. We can learn a lot from examples. |
When we select and follow good mentors in life, we are apt to find much success in our pursuits. I know that to be a fact. It is true for our job search, and it is true in life. Charitable acts come in many forms.
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