Great to be with you all. We still make an incredible Finnish family. Here is a list I jotted down from our discussion and the notes that you posted. Thanks to Jarmo for putting this together! Jarmo Andersson Kari Welling Mark Oliver Yvette Veli Alexander Ilkka Aura Bruce Martin !! Disneyland Ken Richmond Edwin Lara .. Arizona Melodie Burbank Mary Ann Morehouse Rich Harris Ed King Larry Larson Joe Greene .. 5097016455 Michelle Gould .. Rex Tolman .. Elkridge Mark Oliver .. little brother Ralph Jamsa .. Salem Jim Skidmore Russell Graham .. Rovaniemi Craig Rich Harris Mark Mathenhow passed away car accident (lighting candles at graves) on every Christmas Eve Joe Geren Scott Richardson Doug Livingston Lehi Bradley Morris (Robert Johnson) Draper Rich Harris (The Mission) Jean & Stewart Bridge Melodie Burbank (John Burbank) Tiina Goodman Suvi .. Sister Smith Nathan Soderberg (married same day) .. been back to Finland a couple times Andrew Staples Jim Skidmore Daniel Patrick Esa Pekka Karvinen .. Ma ten katen saren .. Rsingleton Tiina Mahoney Wendy Rice (Pugmire) President Issacson (91) Scandinavian literature from President Luthy (36 participants) Jim Rosa lives here in Lehi Larry Howell to Everyone (12:12 PM) It's great to see you all! I need to leave for another commitment. My experience in Finland was not just a life changing experience, but a life defining experience. I wish you all the best! Rich Harris to Everyone (12:12 PM) good to see you, Veli Larry Larson to Everyone (12:12 PM) Good to see you Larry! Scott Richardson, USFWS to Everyone (12:12 PM) Thanks Veil! Oops - Veli Joe Geren to Everyone (12:14 PM) Hope to see you soon Veli Howell Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (12:15 PM) Rex, can I get your cell number Rich Harris to Everyone (12:23 PM) Ed doesn't understand the church meetings on YouTube: is that because of the language or because of the doctrine? Bradley Morris to Everyone (12:25 PM) [file: IMG_5344.HEIC] Daniel Patrick to Everyone (12:25 PM) If there is a link to Lappeenranta meeting could somebody post it please. Larry Larson to Everyone (12:28 PM) Sisar Bailey used to give all the elders haircuts before zone conferences in the Marjaniemi Chapel. Rich Harris to Everyone (12:28 PM) Jean: I have just the best memories of working with you in Tampere. You were such a great influence on me. Made me feel at home as a greenie kenrichmond to Everyone (12:28 PM) "We're following Bailey?!" Rich Harris to Everyone (12:29 PM) One of my best photos is of you breaking into your own apartment: legs sticking straight out the window Michelle Gould to Everyone (12:29 PM) I used to give everyone haircuts as well until Pres. Nixed that! Guess he didn’t want me cutting the Velijets hair. LOL! Rich Harris to Everyone (12:29 PM) I miss those haircuts edking to Everyone (12:31 PM) I have to go but it was nice seeing all of you. A big thanks to Jarmo for setting this all up. Rich Harris to Everyone (12:31 PM) Ed -- good memories of zone conference with you. Thanks for joining Craig to Everyone (12:31 PM) Good seeing you Ed Russell Graham to Everyone (12:32 PM) Nice to see you Ed. Jim Skidmore to Everyone (12:39 PM) Hi Hyrum Rich Harris to Everyone (12:39 PM) thanks skid Russell Graham to Everyone (12:40 PM) Thanks President Isaacson for all that you did and taught us while we served. Yvette's iPhone to Everyone (12:41 PM) So very glad and grateful to have reconnected with you!! I love you all.. this meant so much to me! I have another obligation now but I hope we can do this again!!!❤️ Jean & Stewart Bridge to Everyone (12:41 PM) Love you Pres. Isaacson. So good to see you! kenrichmond to Everyone (12:43 PM) Love you, President. Rich Harris to Everyone (12:44 PM) So grateful you joined us President. If I knew you were going to be on line, I'd have shaved. The last thing you said in my closing interview was "Now elder, when you go home, you cannot grow a beard" (and that was true. I brought home 7 of the 10 razorblades I took to Finland as a missionary). Love you and your dear wife. kenrichmond to Everyone (12:44 PM) Hahaha Michelle Gould to Everyone (12:44 PM) I forgot to mention that Tawna Flake passed as well. She had diabetes and had a foot removed and later passed from a blood clot. Wendy Rice to Everyone (12:45 PM) President Isaacson (Linda) I would love to get your address! Bradley Morris to Everyone (12:45 PM) Ralph, please include me on the tee time. 801-635-6607 Daniel Patrick to Everyone (12:46 PM) President you will never know the impact you have had in my life. Michelle Gould to Everyone (12:47 PM) Pres. Isaacson, could you please post your address here please? Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (12:48 PM) Veli Morris, got you down Tiina Watts to Everyone (12:51 PM) I need to head out. Thank you so much for this wonderful reunion. Let’s do it again sometime. If you want more info on my Finnish classes you can email me at [email protected]. Rakastan teitä! Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (12:51 PM) Veli Geren, 509-701-6455 is that correct? How long are you in town? Michelle Gould to Everyone (12:52 PM) Love ya Tiina! My Greenie trainer! Linda Price to Everyone (12:54 PM) Linda here with President Isaacson. He sends his love to all and says how choice this has been! Scott Richardson, USFWS to Everyone (12:55 PM) It has been choice. Sending love to President Isaacson. rsingleton to Everyone (12:55 PM) Linda, I'd love to send President Isaacson a card.. Michelle Gould to Everyone (12:55 PM) Thanks Linda, can you please post his current address please? Thanks! Me to Everyone (12:55 PM) Jim Rosa [email protected] Mary Ann to Everyone (12:56 PM) Thank you for joining us today, Pres Isaacson!!! Thank you too, Linda. Love you both. Rex Tolman to Everyone (12:56 PM) It was wonderful to see you President Isaacson. Thank you for everything. Joe Geren to Everyone (12:59 PM) Ralph, the phone # is correct. I leave the 24th Linda Price to Everyone (1:00 PM) Thanks. He loved the memory Me to Everyone (1:01 PM) (831)262-0996 (Jim Rosa sends his love) Rich Harris to Everyone (1:01 PM) Tiina, did we get reprimanded in our first week on the mission for getting in a snowball fight? Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:02 PM) Jämsä number 435-237-2841 Scott Richardson, USFWS to Everyone (1:02 PM) Good to hear from Veli Rosa! Mary Ann to Everyone (1:02 PM) Veli Stucki - Can Veli Rosa jump on?? Me to Everyone (1:03 PM) He was just leaving the house Everyone send your contact information. Many of you are a lot closer than I realized.. Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:04 PM) So good to see you President Isaacson. Thank you for all your great counsel Linda Price to Everyone (1:05 PM) Pres Isaacson 801-299-1262 Me to Everyone (1:05 PM) Mathew Stucki, 1358 N 70 E, American Fork, UT 84003 .. 801-691-6867 Mary Ann to Everyone (1:05 PM) Earnie has committed the ultimate sin... She has lost the Iitala stickers on her Finnish glassware. Linda Price to Everyone (1:06 PM) 126 w pheasant brook circle, centerville, ut. 84014 Joe Geren to Everyone (1:06 PM) Joe Geren 1717 E Thurston Ave, Spokane. Wa 99203 kenrichmond to Everyone (1:06 PM) Anyone know where Bill Longfield is? Bruce Martin to Everyone (1:07 PM) Longfield is a lawyer somewhere Russell Graham to Everyone (1:07 PM) Russell Graham 780 E Center Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Rich Harris to Everyone (1:07 PM) Rich Harris 4000 Hickory Fairway Dr Woodstock, GA 30188 Jim Skidmore to Everyone (1:07 PM) I think he was a lawyer in Michigan somewhere Larry Larson to Everyone (1:08 PM) Larry Larson 308 E Shiloh Hills Dr Spokane, WA 99208 509-496-7189 Bradley Morris to Everyone (1:09 PM) Brad Morris 13128 S Horizon Point dr, Draper, UT 84020 Rex Tolman to Everyone (1:10 PM) Rex Tolman 727-560-4623 57 W Cove Dr, Elk Ridge Ut Scott Richardson, USFWS to Everyone (1:11 PM) Hey Everyone, This has been totally awesome. Thanks Jarmo and all for organizing. I am completely homesick for Finland and you all. Great times and great memories. If any of you all are ever in Tucson, AZ, come look me up. Scott Richardson - 11685 W. Massingale Road, Tucson, AZ 85743 - Kind of out in the sticks of Tucson, but you are always welcome. (520) 979-7896. Gotta run, but this has made my year. kenrichmond to Everyone (1:11 PM) Thanks Skidmore Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:11 PM) Thanks Jarmo for getting us all together Bradley Morris to Everyone (1:14 PM) Brad Morris [email protected] Michelle Gould to Everyone (1:14 PM) We should make this a yearly thing!! Larry Larson to Everyone (1:15 PM) Good to see you Veli Staples! Andrew Staples to Everyone (1:20 PM) Larry, likewise, you look great! Hope all is safe and well with you. Michelle Gould to Everyone (1:21 PM) Same thing for me. Poor sister Forest had to carry my backpack along w hers when I broke my ankle and was on crutches in Helsinki. Rich Harris to Everyone (1:21 PM) Andi, tell Seija I said hi. Russell Graham to Everyone (1:23 PM) Train experiences were just a part of the entire mission experience. Andrew Staples to Everyone (1:23 PM) Rich, I will. She is a consummate communicator, and I'm glad she has stayed in touch with you. Rich Harris to Everyone (1:24 PM) Me too. Veli Partick -- did you know my little brother, Veli Steve Harris? Esapecka Karvinen Andrew Staples to Everyone (1:28 PM) I recall President Isaacson taking us out to a restaurant as part of the onboarding process. I went looking for it later during a visit to Finland. A fond memory of my first Finnish food...I hope the tradition continued for other missionaries as well. Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:34 PM) Hey Welling, were you avoiding me last summer because you were afraid of our tennis rematch? Michelle Gould to Everyone (1:35 PM) Where is Sorsa today? Kari Welling to Everyone (1:35 PM) Ralph: I was practising tennis so hard and I was ready, but then you left. Until we meet again! Andrew Staples to Everyone (1:36 PM) Just a tip: Seija and I have been binge-watching YLE tv programs lately. Viewership is restricted, YLE requires the viewer to be located in Finland; however, if you want to view worldwide via the internet, you can access YLE programs by using the Freedome VPN from F-Secure. Russell Graham to Everyone (1:38 PM) This has been like a refreshing dip in cool waters of so many positive memories. Thanks Jarmo and all for organizing this. I would love to do this again. Linda Price to Everyone (1:39 PM) Thank you for your wonderful stories! Jim Skidmore to Everyone (1:40 PM) Thank you Esa Pekka! Larry Larson to Everyone (1:41 PM) Great to see you Veli Karvinen! Wendy Rice to Everyone (1:42 PM) Thank you, Veli Andersson, for organizing this! It has been so great to see so many and hear from everyone! Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:42 PM) Jos joku vierailee Utahissa yleiskokouksessa tai Utahissa yleensä. Ja tarvitsee paikan yöpyä vähän. Talomme on aina auki. Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:42 PM) If anyone visits Utah for general conference or Utah in general. And needs a place to stay for a bit. Our house is always open Rex Tolman to Everyone (1:43 PM) House open to all if you are in the Utah area…. Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:44 PM) Rex when I get healthy enough to play ball we need to get together. Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:44 PM) Ok Wee Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:42 PM) If anyone visits Utah for general conference or Utah in general. And needs a place to stay for a bit. Our house is always open Rex Tolman to Everyone (1:43 PM) House open to all if you are in the Utah area…. Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:44 PM) Rex when I get healthy enough to play ball we need to get together. Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (1:44 PM) Ok Wee Oops, Ok Welling, next summer—be ready bro. Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:46 PM) Dave Handy is one of those guys I would like to find. Can you send me his email address? Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:46 PM) PM me Handy's info if you can please. Or text to 918-210-0439 Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:46 PM) Brett Miller is the other one. Rich Harris to Everyone (1:46 PM) yeah where is Miller? Still in Jersey? Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:46 PM) My number is 801.472.0402 Ilkka Aura to Everyone (1:47 PM) We Still have veli Singleton to hear from! Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:48 PM) No idea where Miller is. Great guy. Andrew Staples to Everyone (1:50 PM) So good to see and hear from everyone. Sincere thanks to Jarmo for organizing this, and thanks Maryanne for making contact. Best wishes to all, and please be good to yourselves! Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:51 PM) See you again, Andy! Jean & Stewart Bridge to Everyone (1:51 PM) And Harris Rex Tolman to Everyone (1:51 PM) That sounds great Veli Patrick Melodie Burbank to Everyone (1:52 PM) Mark Oliver, what is your address Rich Harris to Everyone (1:52 PM) : ( Thanks Jean Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:52 PM) Rex, did you see the note above about Dave? Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:52 PM) If anyone is interested In Ashtabula Ohio is the Finnish Heritage Museum. Many activities in the Summer Michelle Gould to Everyone (1:53 PM) Cool would love to go there! Larry Larson to Everyone (1:53 PM) I need to run. Thanks this was a great event. Let's do it again. You are all awesome! Thanks Jaarmo!! Mark Oliver to Everyone (1:53 PM) 230 Fairmont Garden rd s, Lethbridge AB T1K7L9 403-393-6208 Rich Harris to Everyone (1:53 PM) Veli Quick? Where did he end up? Mary Ann to Everyone (1:54 PM) I will be happy to compile names addresses and phone # + email addresses if you want to send info to me. Then I will send it back out to everyone who sends to me: [email protected] Rich Harris to Everyone (1:54 PM) yes please Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:54 PM) Its Just east of the Kirtland Temple so you could visit church historical sites in the same trip kenrichmond to Everyone (1:54 PM) That would be great, thanks! Rex Tolman to Everyone (1:54 PM) I am looking for my contact info For David Handy Doug Livingston to Everyone (1:54 PM) Terrific. Thanks, Rex. kenrichmond to Everyone (1:54 PM) 1389 Indian Lakes NE, Sparta, MI 49345 Han sorsan Sibelius??? Ilkka Aura to Everyone (1:58 PM) Wonderful seeing you all! Thank you for ministering the Finnish people and making Finland a better country to live. Let us do this again! I got to go! Mary Ann to Everyone (1:59 PM) Love you Veli Aura!! Rich Harris to Everyone (1:59 PM) kiitos Pres. Daniel Patrick to Everyone (1:59 PM) Jarmo if you have the contact information for the finnish missionaries that served under Luthy could you email that to me? Veli Pipparinnen and I want to try and get a Zoom set up for our group also. Thank You for setting this up it has been fun Dawn Hansen Alexander to Everyone (2:00 PM) Thanks, Jarmo, for organizing this virtual reunion. Let's do it again next year. We need to go. Love you all! Moi! kenrichmond to Everyone (2:00 PM) Hannu: Nathan Soderborg to Everyone (2:02 PM) Thanks, Jarmo, and all. This has been wonderful! Linda Price to Everyone (2:02 PM) Wow! Amazing! Pres Isaac had a reunion for the basketball players at the mission home. Joe Geren to Everyone (2:03 PM) It has been wonderful to see you all. I look forward to being a part of this again Jim Skidmore to Everyone (2:03 PM) He is very popular in Chicago where I live Joe Geren to Everyone (2:05 PM) Bruce Illum, we want to hear from you Jean & Stewart Bridge to Everyone (2:06 PM) Rich Harris and Bruce Illum Daniel Patrick to Everyone (2:09 PM) Reina Gammett ( Jakko) her son reports to the MTC June 7th going to Finland rsingleton to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Michelle Gould to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Doug Livingston to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Suvi to Everyone (2:12 PM) Suvi Smith Ralph Jamsa to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Jim Skidmore to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Kari Welling to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Russell Graham to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Rex Tolman to Everyone (2:12 PM) Rex Tolman - [email protected] kenrichmond to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Wendy Rice to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Daniel Patrick to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] or [email protected] Bruce Martin to Everyone (2:12 PM) Bruce Martin [email protected] 714-931-2281 Mark Oliver to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Linda Price to Everyone (2:12 PM) [email protected] Suvi to Everyone (2:13 PM) try again Suvi Smith [email protected] Melodie Burbank to Everyone (2:13 PM) [email protected] Rich Harris to Everyone (2:13 PM) Rich Harris [email protected] Daniel Patrick to Everyone (2:13 PM) Thank You ihme nelikko to Everyone (2:13 PM) Esa-Pekka: [email protected] Joe Geren to Everyone (2:13 PM) [email protected] Linda Price to Everyone (2:13 PM) 126 w pheasantbrook circle, centerville, ut 84104 Jean & Stewart Bridge to Everyone (2:13 PM) [email protected] Michelle Gould to Everyone (2:13 PM) Michelle Clawson Gould Tiina Goodman to Everyone (2:14 PM) [email protected] rsingleton to Everyone (2:14 PM) Ron Singleton -- 10196 Briarstone Ct, Frederick, MD 21702 Michelle Gould to Everyone (2:14 PM) Oops: Michelle Clawson Gould 966 E 350 S Orem UT 84097 Cell 801-358-5502 Mary Ann to Everyone (2:20 PM) Veli Stucki - send info to me [email protected] Mary Ann to Everyone (2:20 PM) Wendy Rice to Everyone (2:21 PM) Wendy Pugmire Rice 17715 NE 34th Street Redmond, WA 98052 cell 425-941-4945 [email protected] Kiitos ystävät. Tämä oli ilo nähdä kasvosi. Jumala siunatkoon sinua ja perheitäsi.
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