What's up guys this week was pretty boring. We literally just biked around all week talking to as many people as possible and nothing really came of it. Everyone here is "too busy" for the gospel it's pretty frustrating.
Saturday we literally rode our bikes around in the pouring rain the entire day talking to people in the street it was fun. The streets were flooding and we were soaked to the bone haha. Good times But some things I've been thinking about is how blessed I am to have the priesthood. I've given a few blessings since I've been out here and I've participated in giving the priesthood to both of my converts and in blessing a baby. It's really an honor to have God trust you enough to let you use some of his power for the benefit of others. I was reading Jesus the Christ the other day and he talks about how in Mathew 7 when it says 21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity Apparently (according to Elder Talmage) Jesus is talking about those who perform ordinances without the priesthood. So having the authority is sooooo important guys and we are so blessed to have the priesthood in our lives. Sorry my week was pretty boring and I don't have anymore stories to tell you guys. But I hope y'all are having a good week! Love y'all Elder Robison Just pretend these pics are of me and not my companion haha
Heyo everyone how's life in the West? Except I guess max and Liv are in Florida soooo not the west. Well here in the Broadway area we are doing well. This was a pretty darn good week I went on two exchanges! One with a greenie in Fairmont (by the beach but we didn't go 😑) and the other in the North area with Elder Bott (he's awesome).
Tuesday was in Fairmont and we didn't do much lots of cleaning and moving. It was fun to be with a greenie and watch him struggle and lead out haha good times. Wednesday I was in Broadway North area with Elder Bott and we biked around all day and ate Taco Bell and climbed a tree and talked to every single person we saw it was a good day. We did comp study at a park because we were like 8 miles away from the apartment so we climbed a tree and did our study up there 🌳 and we got Taco Bell and man I will never stop loving Brother Bell. It's just so good and $5 for everything you could want. Heaven MUST have a TBell. The rest of the week was good we put the Hendrickson family on date but they aren't ready so we took them off. They hopefully will get baptised someday but I probably won't be here for it. It's alright those kids are awesome and those parents need the gospel. All you parents out there, don't be mean to your kids just love them 💛 So our area book map (the app we use to figure out where we are) is kind of outdated and sometimes it tells us to go on roads that don't actually exist but this new thing we are doing is to just bike down them anyways haha. So we've done some off road biking recently it's awesome. Plus we get to pee outside when no one's around us and that's 10/10 😁 We've really been focusing on talking to every single person we see so we've had some pretty awesome awkward contacts, whenever someone is within eye sight and they speak English we cruise over there and talk to them. It's fun and you feel good afterwards like your fulfilling your purpose so we are gonna keep doing it 🤗 Well I love you all and pray for you guys everyday! Thanks for the package mama it was awesome and thanks for the Funcle shirt Mckay and Jenn it is awesome. I'm so blessed to have all of you in my life I've seen so many people here who just dont have anyone supporting them and it makes me more grateful for all y'all so thanks! Have a blessed week and don't forget to read your scriptures! Elder Robison P.s. here's a crap load of pics |
PurposeInviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel . Archives
June 2019
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