Hi everyone hope your all doing well! Let me know if i can ever help any of you with anything.
Well im currently emailing from the South Houston Public Library because my darn tablet isn't cooperating. The Gmail app has gone all wonky so here we are. So sorry if i dont email very many of you jsut know that I love you all and read your emails and appreciate them a lot! This week we went on exchanges, did some service, went on splits, played some basketball, biked a lot, its been fun! Last monday we did some service after P-Day ended for a guy in our ward who is remodeling his house. He gave us the job of stripping his bathroom down to the studs and so we whipped out the sledgehammers and went HAM it was fun. Since i kinda know how to do some electrical i was taking apart his lights and the bathroom fan and stuff and when i went to cut the wire my knife exploded and the lights went out. Apparently they were still live and i tripped them through my knife. RIP knife. :( But i didnt get electrocuted too badly so no worries. After Harvey cleannup and working on this guys house a lot I have learned a lot about building houses so thats pretty cool! So if you need someone to fix something in your house sign me up for winter of 2019 okay? We have been going on splits with the bishopric and members of the Elders quorum pretty freguently and had some good success this last week with getting in to Less Actives homes. No body has been reactivated yet but we have cleared about 180 names off the ward list since I got here in September. I was able to go on exchanges with this baller missionary named Elder Barlow 8) hes my district leader and hes a super good guy. Oh also he goes home soon so if any of you single ladies are looking for a righteous companion i gotchu. Ive been playing basketball twice a week for the last 7 months and man do i love to ball now. we play with less actives and stuff and its been super fun, so you bros need to watch out when i get home cause we gon ball up. Oh this super nice cool man in our ward has had us over in the mornings to work out with him and its been killer but awesome. I think im slowly getting better at not being a walking zombie in the mornings. And maybe ill lose some of this Texas weight ive gained haha. The Hendrickson family is doing awesome we are going to finish teaching them the commandments this week and then next saturday they get DUNKED. im super excited maybe president will actually transfer me if i baptise a family haha ;) just kidding i still like it here in Broadway. Well i think that is about it! Love you all and dont forget to study the gospel everyday, not just read study! if life is busy and your stressed, thats when you need to do it the most! Elder Robison
Well hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well and reading your scriptures and going to church! If not, we believe in repentance! 😄
This week went by really quickly I literally have no idea what happened and I don't think anything significant happened at all. So sorry to all those who actually read my emails this ones kind of lame but ive got some pics! Pics: 1 we had zone conference which was awesome! Oh and your probably noticing how ridiculously tight my suit pants are, but we started a fitness/weight loss contest in our district because of how tight they are so stay tuned to hear my amazing transformation story. 😉 2 I really should count how many times I've eaten at taco bell throughout my whole mission it would probably be an impressive number. 🌯🌮 3 some Spaniard missionaries got in our car. It's been a good 5th transfer here in Broadway. Man I feel like I've been here for a good minute but it's for a good reason! I'm glad the Lord wanted me to stay here we have seen some cool miracles happen.
Here's basically what's been going down these last 2 weeks: #1 Miracle - So our ward is really lacking in the deacon department, there is currently one deacon who is the bishops son. He gave a talk a couple weeks ago in which he said he's been praying for new deacons. Fast forward a week and me and my companion have been working with this part member family who was not progressing solely because the father works a ludicrous amount. So me and my companion have been praying for a way for them to be able to come to church somehow. Well this week we found out that the father lost his job and now has all the time in the world to meet with us and come to church. Since then they have met with the bishop twice and are on date to be baptised on the 7th of April! The best part, they have a 12 year old son! Prayers get answered people. #2 Miracle - we were biking down a road and were abruptly stopped by a crossing turtle. 🐢We got to him just in time for us to be able to save him from becoming some Cajun guys turtle soup. (Pics included) #3 Fun thing - so this last transfer I had to say good bye to my entire district, no not because I was transferred, but because everyone was transferred BUT me. So that was pretty weird but I'm happy I got to stay because GREAT things are coming this way. And I was blessed with a pretty baller district. My companion Elder Bowers and I get along really well and we are basically the same person so it's fun. I think that's about it y'all. Thanks for everything you do for me and for the prayers. Love you all and enjoy the cold! 😐 Elder Robison Pics: turtles, sleepy Elder Toledo, and the most baller Cholo Truck ever 🤘 Well this was a good week, I don't remember what happened before Sunday so you'll hear about my Sunday and Monday!
Sunday was actually baller we had 5 people come to church! The Hendricksons came and 2 young men we have been working with just showed up to church unexpectedly so that was super cool. Except this old guy in the middle of sacrament answered his phone and had a conversation during sacrament with someone on his phone. I regret not turning around and telling him to hang up it kinda killed the spirit of the sacrament. But the rest of Sunday was good we went around to some members and investigators to say bye. Oh yeah transfers where this week and I was 100% expecting to leave and guess what!? I'm staying here in Broadway! Kinda sad about it but also happy because I like it here. Elder Toledo is going ZL for this zone so I joke that I've "trained two ZL's" now haha. My new companion is Elder Bowers and he seems like a really cool kid. So the rest of Sunday was spent saying goodbye to people. Monday was weird we slept over at the elders apartment to do laundry before transfers and then we ended up packing all day and going to the graffiti warehouse to take departing pics. It was kind of an apostate day I feel bad but this transfer is going to be awesome. I figure I still have something to do here in Broadway and I haven't done it yet so I need to hit the grind this transfer and do whatever it is the Lord wants me to do here. I don't have too much time today to write but lucky for y'all I have a crap load of pics to send. Your welcome. Love Elder Robison |
PurposeInviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel . Archives
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