Hey Friends and FAM <3
solid solid week. This week has been really good. We found a part member family to teach. The daughter was baptized a few years ago and is in Utah at school but her parents are both non members. We went out and got some food with them and they seem very down to earth and eager to learn more about our church. The couple that we have been teaching are doing great. We shared the plan of Salvation last time and they asked some really good questions. I think by this week we should have a baptismal date at least for the woman. Gabriel, our baptismal date holder, has been doing great and looks to be on track for June 24th to baptized. He is so so awesome and has taught me so much. We also have a few other progressing investigators that are doing great. love you all. Elder Hunsaker
Elder Wagner and I have really been seeing many small miracles add up to big ones. Yesterday in Church a random 30 year old man walked into church and all the bishopric motioned to us to go sit by him. By the end of church he had a Book of Mormon and a bunch of new friends from church. The man is awesome and we have an appointment with him this week to teach him more. He seems really interested. Our baptismal date holder is doing great. We had a member present with him last Saturday night and it went so good. He remembers every single detail from the Book of Mormon and LOVES IT. We also found a couple that are in there late twenties. The wife is crazy about the studying the pamphlets and talking about god. They both have been coming to family night as well. We also found two high schoolers that have some interest. Its just been super cool to see the Lords trust in us as we strive to be obedient. My comp and i have been having some fun as well and its been great. I have really been convinced that we control our day and we control the bad and the good days. Its not the things in our life that effect our mood but the outlook and attitude we put out toward the winds and waves of life. I really love Mosiah 2:41! its so true. Look to the happiest people {prophets and apostles} and follow them and the commandments of the Lord and you will start to see the small miracles turn into bigger and bigger ones. Love you all
Love Elder Hunsaker Its been a good time here! We have been blessed so so much. We dont have a lot of time but the highlights of the week were.... finding 2 new people to teach, Elder Renlund coming to speak to the stake, meeting with and having family night with a less active family that lost their husband, living with 3 really fun elders that love to work hard, meeting a less active on the street that had no idea we had a church in the area, teaching a less active and getting his friends number and setting up some time to get food, bringing three people to see and meet an apostle, setting up a ton of good appointments this week with a 3 hour calling session, and getting three referrals from members that all seem really promising, and last but not least....seeing my beautiful mom and telling her happy mothers day. I love you mom so so much. Everything good i have done and all the good in my life i owe to you!!!!!!
love Elder Hunsaker THIS WAS A GOOD WEEK!! I feel like its just getting better and better out here. Never been happier. My stake president told me that if i would work as hard as i can for the Lord, then he will never let me get tired. I really testify that that is true. The Lord supports us and keeps us primed and ready to do his will.
So the big news this week is Gabriel! Hes doing so good. Its been amazing to see his change week to week. He accepted to be baptized June 24th and is all in! He came to church and the ward welcomed him in so well. Hes from Nigeria and they are all korean but with the little english they knew they all said hi to him. We have the best members in our church!! Its was super cool because i had to translate for him during all three hours of church and i promise that it was not me translating. The Lord helped me out so so much. The big moment of the week was with a man trying to quit drinking and was going off about how he needs to just gradually quit and had all these excuses. Well I was kinda sick of the half effort goals and stuff so we turned to alma 32 and read about faith and all the blessing he can be missing out on right now in his life. We talked about the priesthood and the blessing he could be to his children and his wife. We talked about the money he could save to support them better. We talked about his kids and how they look up to him and how he can be the big example. My comp looked a little unsure and might have been worried i was being to harsh but he broke down and his whole expression changed. He said he felt something new with us and decided to make some bigger goals to be baptized. Hes said hes determined to be that kind of father for his family and those around him. I know this church is true. It changes us into the best people we can be if we let it. It takes digging deep sometimes but its worth it. Also Lay got the gift of the HolyGhost!! so proud of that guy!! Love you all! Elder Hunsaker |
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July 2018
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