So this week was great. Very busy with putting on a halloween party for the ward and it was a huge success. our team had 6 investigators come and the other teams had a few come as well so it was great. After the ward like made us stand in the front and clapped for us haha kinda weird but whatever the ward wants i guess haha. We also had a miracle last night with guy that was supposed to be baptized that fell off the earth finally reach out to us again and wants to start progressing again. Super happy for him. Also had a baptism yesterday with a family and her dad was a member and was able to baptize his little girl and invited us to stand in on the confirmation. Oh what a blessing it is to have the Holy Ghost.
So I was talking to this super amazing person and she really helped me with the title of this email. Success in the Invitation! Its so so true. I have wondered about how to measure success and how i can feel like the good we do out here is not a lost cause sometimes. But it really comes down to the opportunity that we give people. We cant force people and the spirit cant do that either. All we have to do is make sure we invite. Because thats all we can do. We can bring the spirit right up to their hearts but we cant force them to take it and God knows that. So invite all that you know, member or non member. love you all, Elder Hunsaker I dont have a lot of time but i love you all! happy halloween. Korea doesnt celebrate it but yeah its all good. Keep working hard and follow the gospel and your life will only be happier. Love you all Elder Hunsaker ![]()
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July 2018
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