Just so you know I'm not being apostate by emailing on a Tuesday at 8 pm, our P-day was today because of transfers and we did service all day for some Less actives. So we didn't get to have a P-day this week. 😧 We just finished showering and eating our first meal of the day so now I get to email for a little bit
Here are some highlights from the past week: 1) We had another baptism this week! It was Eddy's grandpa David. He had taken the missionary lessons from my past comp Elder Toledo when he was here in Silsbee about a year ago. He hadn't been baptized because of some word of wisdom problems but the Lord helped him overcome it and he was finally baptized this last week. So Elder Toledo and his trainer (who drove from Maryland) got to come and see the Baptism. It was really good, the spirit is so strong while performing ordinances of the gospel. Their family is going to be so blessed because of their introduction to the gospel. I'm so grateful I was able to be a part of their eternal progression. 2) We moved two less active families this week and I have decided if I haven't used something in over a year to give it away. Hoarding is a real problem people. But no it was good to help people, performing service brightens your day, and the day of who is being served. It's really a win win. Plus your blessed for it, so it's a win win win. 3) My poor son was pretty sick this last week which made it hard for us to get out there and sweat for Jesus, but it's not to hard to do that when your in south east Texas. Its crazy that I've put on so much weight when I sweat so much. But then you look at what I eat over the course of a single day and it makes more sense. Eat to live, don't live to eat. 🍗🥓🍔🍟🍕🌭🌮🌯🥙🍪🍩🎂🍫🍬🍭🍌 4) We did some exploring yesterday and found this abandoned hospital! It looks like it's been out of commission for at least 20 years because there were old radios and 8 track players and stuff I didn't even know what they did. But man, in the movies when they picture abandoned post-apocalyptic environments, it's pretty accurate. The place was wrecked, there were plants all overgrown and crawling up in there and there were just vurnies and wheelchairs and old hospital beds all over the place. The pharmacy part still had old pill bottles and sample vials and stuff like that. The children's wing had a bunch of nasty stuffed animals and dolls all over the place and water was dripping from the ceiling. The place smelt like black mold and moss. All in all it was pretty cool to see 5) OH my email title. Eddie and his sister call John the Baptist, John the Baptism. It's pretty funny. We asked them where the Jordan River was and they said North Carolina. So apparently Jesus was baptized by John the Baptism in North Carolina 😆 cute kids 6) Oh our AC went out again. So that was the worst haha. Apparently if you don't have an air filter then your air conditioner radiator thingy will freeze into a solid block of ice ❄... Which makes it not work. Who knew? So needless to say we got hot and melted it and cleaned it off so it mostly works now. 7) transfers happened today and me and Elder Bruggeman are staying in Silsbee so I get to finish training him so that's awesome. My super good buddy Elder Bott who I have served around for 6 months got transfered and he goes him in 6 weeks so I'm not going to see him for another year or so. 😢 So that was sad but it's part of life. I've made such good friends with some of the guys out here and they all go home next transfer its going to be boring without them. But that's okay because then I'll become that cool 😎 guy whose been out over a year and knows all of these dead ☠️missionaries. Plus having fun isn't really the point of it all anyway its just an added perk. Well folks that's about all, oh I would suggest checking out the gospel study topics in the gospel library under topics. They have been super cool to learn from and I've found that studying the Scriptures to answer a question or learn more about a topic has been most effective for me. I love you all, I love missionary work, I love Texas, I love the gospel, I love good BBQ, I love the Lord, I love delicious snacks, and I love packages and emails. 🤗 There is a new address for mail 2815 West Lake Houston Parkway #109 Kingwood, Texas 77339 Thanks for everything you all do, have a great week! Elder Robison
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