Annyong haseyo!
Cant believe its been two weeks! The time here is flying by and i am loving it! Every day i am amazed by the help i am receiving here! Going through this without the Lords help would be impossible. The hope and strength i feel from him every day blows my mind. The work load feels to be getting bigger and bigger as we are now teaching 8 lessons a week and have to find time to study the gospel and memorize 30 new words a day. Last week we got assigned to memorize our purpose in Korean and within a day we all had it down. The gift of tongues is so so real! Elders always ask us how we (korean elders) can be constantly studying all day long and still have energy. I always reply with "God is Good" haha its simple but its the only explanation i have to be able to study as much as we do. A minute doesnt go by that im am not looking at a flash card or memorizing a knew line for a lesson. The companions and district is growing on me. I always have to catch myself before commenting or saying stuff but its getting better. We are so close and its only been 2 weeks! haah i swear they have seen me cry like 50 times. haha the spirit is so strong here its impossible to hold back tears when i am feeling the spirit. The other day we watch Ephrams Rescue. It seemed like the funniest/spiritual movie on the planet. haha we got to the part were the kid kisses this girl and we almost died! haha it was so funny. we all started clapping and whistling haha. its funny how some of the littlest things can make a missionary laugh. sorry if my grammar is bad im am rushed so bad on P day. love, Elder Hunsaker
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July 2018
Jahamun-ro 152 1 dong Jongno-gu Seoul-si Seoul-teukbyeolsi 03046 South Korea Packages: Jahamun-ro 152 1 dong Jongno-gu Seoul-si Seoul-teukbyeolsi 110-030 South Korea PyeongChang 2018 |